
With so much in our daily lives that is ever-changing, one thing I do try to keep consistent is beginning each school day with storytime. The three of us sit together on the sofa or on the porch, reading various types of stories together.

Some of our favorite things to read are:

These are just a few selections that we return to time and again, but we love to read a plethora of different fiction stories, or books on history and science as well.

We evolved as Storytellers. A good story, whether true or make-believe, speaks to the inner reaches of our spirits.

“Story telling is the most ancient form of education. It is about the remembering, making, and sharing of images that bind together time, nature, and people. Stories, like the sacred plants, are medicine and food come from the Earth. They remind us that we do not stand alone. Through them we live in the body of coyote and crow, tree and stone… In this way, we confirm our relationship with all of creation.”

Joan Halifax

There is hardly any other experience when I feel so close and in tune with my kids than when we are cuddled and sharing stories. I hope it is one of those things in their education they look back upon and cherish.